Missed Connections is a series of simple white boxes each with a personal ad about a missed encounter culled from Craigslist, laser cut into the faceplate. When the handle on the side of the box is turned, Crisco extrudes through the text. The once legible text slowly begins to distort and becomes a totally illegible mess. The weight and viscosity of the Crisco causes it to break off and fall to the ground. These hand-crank machines are not only a literal materialization of the narrative arc surrounding the "Missed Connection" process but also a metaphor for how memories become distorted through fantasy. In either case, an event occurs and is later remembered, but the "truth" of the situation or even the initial memory of it is lost.

"We had sex in the back of my truck! - m4w - 30 (rosedale) What happened to you. We were talking then i never heard from you again. Let me know what kind of car you drive and what kind of truck i have."
Crisco, Aluminum, Steel
17in x 11in x 60in
Crisco, Aluminum, Steel
17in x 11in x 60in

"Self-help book shopping at Strand- m4w - 28(Union Square) You were perusing the $1 books outside at Strand. I was looking for the self-help section, you had already located Chastity Bono's memoir. After we said out goodbyes I was so upset that I hadn't said more, I went inside and climbed a ladder in the fiction section and thought about jumping. I'd love to have a second chance."
Crisco, Aluminum, Steel
17in x 11in x 60in
Crisco, Aluminum, Steel
17in x 11in x 60in

Endoscopy appointment on Friday- you were a nurse there- m4m (Baltimore County) This is a long shot, but were I believe the only male nurse working on Friday morning when I had my endoscopy procedure done. Although you weren't my assigned nurse, you came...
Crisco, Aluminum, Steel
17in x 11in x 60in
Crisco, Aluminum, Steel
17in x 11in x 60in

Paula Cooper Gallery- w4mWe met in line for the Christian Marclay video at the Paula Cooper Gallery onThursday. We chatted for a bit before finally getting in around 4:30 (Actually,thanks to the Dick Van Dyke clip, I know I got in at exactly 4:31). If you seethis and are interested, I would love to grab a drink!”
Crisco, Aluminum, Steel
17in x 11in x 60in
Crisco, Aluminum, Steel
17in x 11in x 60in

you are a friend of myhusband- 99 (baltimore co.) You are an associate of my husband's. I have alittle bit of a crush on you. My marriage pretty much is down the toiletalready so I figure I have nothing to lose. Do you kind of like me too?
Crisco, Aluminum, Steel
17in x 11in x 60in
Crisco, Aluminum, Steel
17in x 11in x 60in